GB 4706.108-2012 家用和类似用途电器的安全 电热地毯和安装在可移动地板覆盖物下方的用于加热房间的电热装置的特殊要求
GB 1886.108-2015 食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 偶氮甲酰胺
GB/T 17737.108-2018 同轴通信电缆 第1-108部分:电气试验方法 特性阻抗、相位延迟、群延迟、电长度和传播速度试验
GB/T 17980.108-2004 农药 田间药效试验准则(二)第108部分:杀菌剂防治小麦纹枯病
GB/T 5009.108-2003 畜禽肉中己烯雌酚的测定
SC 108-1982 渔船电子设备印制板焊接技术要求及检验方法
CJ/T 108-2015 铝塑复合压力管(搭接焊)
HY/T 108-2008 反渗透用能量回收装置
YY 9706.108-2021 医用电气设备 第1-8部分:基本安全和基本性能的通用要求 并列标准:通用要求,医用电气设备和医用电气系统中报警系统的测试和指南
RB/T 108-2013 能源管理体系 家电企业认证要求
YB/T 108-1997 镍-钢复合板
GA/T 16.108-2015 道路交通管理信息代码 第108部分:交通违法文书编号编码规则
GA/T 2000.108-2015 公安信息代码 第108部分:地域分类与代码
CJ/T 108-1999 铝塑复合压力管(搭接焊)
WS/T 108-1999 血中铅的示波极谱测定方法
JG/T 108-1999 转子式混凝土喷射机 技术要求
建标 108-2008 公共图书馆建设标准
SL 108-2006 水文仪器及水利水文自动化系统型号命名方法
CY/T 108-2014 只读类蓝光光盘(BD)常规检测参数
MZ/T 108-2018 居民家庭经济状况核对信息安全管理规范
ISO 108:1976 EN 5d89075e Textile machinery and accessories — Weaving looms — Definition of left and right sides
IEC GUIDE 108:2019 EN 033e0512 Guidelines for ensuring the coherence of IEC publications - Horizontal functions, horizontal publications and their application
ISO 10303-108:2005 EN c8f77b59 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 108: Integrated application resource: Parameterization and constraints for explicit geometric product models
IEC 61076-4-108:2002 EN ce6e4a88 IEC 61076-4-108: Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-108: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for cable-to-board connectors, with a modular pitch of 25 mm and integrated shielding function, applicable for transverse packing density of 15 mm, having a basic grid of 2,5 mm in accordance with IEC 60917-1
IEC 61196-1-108:2011 EN 37979d75 Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-108: Electrical test methods - Test for characteristic impedance, phase and group delay, electrical length and propagation velocity
IEC 62271-108:2005 EN-FR 948079ef High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 108: High-voltage alternating current disconnecting circuit-breakers for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above
IEC 62271-108:2020 EN-FR 0e77fa0c High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 108: High-voltage alternating current disconnecting circuit-breakers for rated voltages above 52 kV
IEC GUIDE 108:2006 EN-FR 6693cce0 Guidelines for ensuring the coherency of IEC publications - Application of horizontal standards
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 EN-FR 64d93028 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for electrolysers
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 RLV EN c1ee39de Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for electrolysers
IEC 60297-3-108:2014 EN-FR cb264d7f Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-108: Dimensions of R-type subracks and plug-in units
IEC 60335-2-108:2008 EN-FR 2aded612 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for electrolysers
IEC 60335-2-108:2024 EXV EN 18e1b5f5 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for electrolysers
IEC 61076-8-108:2023 EN-FR c34852e1 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 8-108: Power connectors - Detail specification for 2P 250 A, 1 000 V plus 2P 5 A 50 V rectangular housing shielded connectors with IP65/IP68 degree of protection when mated and locked, and IPXXB when unmated
IEC 60335-2-108-EXV-RLV:2024 EN bed8479b Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-108: Particular requirements for electrolysers
JJF(纺织)108-2023 口罩防护效果测试仪校准规范
DSTU X9.108:2005 Financial Transaction Messages - Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) - WIC retailer interface standard
AS 1580.108.2-1993 Paints and related materials - Methods of test - Dry film thickness - Paint inspection gauge
AS 4558-2000 (AG 108-2000) Decorative gas log and other fuel effect appliances
KS B ISO 10303-108(2023 Confirm) 산업 자동화 시스템 및 통합-제품 데이터 표현 및 교환-제108부: 통합 응용 자원:명시적인 제품 모델을 위한 매개변수화와 제약조건
KS C IEC 62271-108(2019 Confirm) 고전압 개폐장치 및 제어장치 — 제108부: 정격전압 72.5 kV 이상 고전압 교류 단로차단기
KS B ISO 10303-108(2018 Confirm) 산업 자동화 시스템 및 통합-제품 데이터 표현 및 교환-제108부: 통합 응용 자원:명시적인 제품 모델을 위한 매개변수화와 제약조건
AS 4558-2000 (AG 108-2000)/Amdt 2-2002 Decorative gas log and other fuel effect appliances
AS 4558-2000 (AG 108-2000)/Amdt 3-2003 Decorative gas log and other fuel effect appliances
AS 4558-2000 (AG 108-2000)/Amdt 1-2001 Decorative gas log and other fuel effect appliances
AS/NZS 1102.108:1997 Graphical symbols for electrotechnical documentation Measuring instruments, lamps and signalling devices
BS A 108:2023 Bolts, shear, hexagonal heads, close tolerance shank, unified threads, low alloy steel, cadmium plated (on head and thread only). Specification
SA HB 108-2013 Timber design handbook
BS 1016-108.5:1992 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Tests special to coke
BS EN 4708-108:2019 Aerospace series. Sleeving, heat-shrinkable, for binding, insulation and identification
BS A 108:2023 - TC Tracked Changes. Bolts, shear, hexagonal heads, close tolerance shank, unified threads, low alloy steel, cadmium plated (on head and thread only). Specification. Classification Rm = 123 200. 145 600 lbf/in2 (850 – 1 004 MPa) at ambient temperature | +190°C
T/CCPITCSC 108-2022 在线商事调解服务规范
T/CSPSTC 108-2022 钢拱桥拱肋支架法提升施工技术规程
T/CA 108-2019 多媒体设备充电线、数据线通用规范
T/BSRS 108-2024 高水平放射性废物粘土岩地质处置设施安全要求
T/BYXT 108-2024 含稀土天然复合微量元素矿物质
T/CAAMTB 108-2022 汽车用35MPa压缩天然气(CNG)加气枪
T/CAS 108-2014 压燃式发动机检测用油
T/CASMES 108-2022 LED UV-A 灯具的测量和检定
T/ACCEM 108-2024 新能源汽车电磁线控制系统
T/AHFIA 108-2023 α-乳白蛋白型乳清蛋白粉
T/CIPR 108-2023 散热性好的车轮毂
T/CNTAC 108-2022 国内外纺织品限制物质要求
T/CSES 108-2023 工业园区碳排放管理体系 建设指南
T/GDC 108-2021 家用冰箱食材气味净化评价方法
T/GDFCA 108-2023 食品和化妆品原料抗氧化功效的评价体外角质细胞超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性法
DB6505/T 108-2021 大葱主要病虫害绿色防控技术规程
DB2301/T 108-2022 《地下管线探测技术规程》
DB2310/T 108-2023 牡丹江地区沙棘扦插育苗技术规程
DB2312/T 108-2024 市场监管系统党支部标准化建设规范
DB4403/T 108-2020 药用植物种质资源保存规范
DB4407/T 108-2024 农村微型消防站建设指南
DB46/T 108-2007 椰香薄脆饼
DB5107/T 108-2022 高山辣椒—豌豆栽培技术规范
DB12/T 108-2008 洗染企业等级标准
DB3311/T 108─2005 森林蔬菜马兰生产技术规程
DB3710/T 108-2020 苹果矮砧轻减集约果园周年管理规范
DB5305/T 108-2023 保山市青贮大麦栽培及青贮技术规程
DB43/T 108-1997 中低产田土类划分和质量改造要求
DB3304/T 108-2023 地理标志产品 平湖西瓜生产技术规范
DB3305/T 108-2019 乡村放心消费建设与管理规范
GB/T 18685-2017 普通螺纹搓制和滚制前的毛坯直径
GB/T 18685-2017 普通螺纹搓制和滚制前的毛坯直径