GB/T 4706.107-2024 家用和类似用途电器的安全 第107部分:整体厨房器具的特殊要求
GB 4706.107-2012 家用和类似用途电器的安全 整体厨房器具的特殊要求
GB 1886.107-2015 食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 柠檬酸一钠
GB/T 5009.107-2003 植物性食品中二嗪磷残留量的测定
GB/T 17737.107-2018 同轴通信电缆 第1-107部分:电气 试验方法 电缆颤噪电荷电平(机械感应噪声)试验
GB/T 17980.107-2004 农药 田间药效试验准则(二)第107部分:杀菌剂防治玉米大小斑病
GBZ(卫生) 107-2015 职业性放射性性腺疾病诊断
RB/T 107-2013 能源管理体系 公共建筑管理组织认证要求
XB/T 107-2011 稀土富渣
CJ/T 107-2013 城市公共汽、电车候车亭
HY/T 107-2017 卷式反渗透膜元件测试方法
GA/T 2000.107-2015 公安信息代码 第107部分:日时段代码
WS/T 107.1-2016 尿中碘的测定 第1部分:砷铈催化分光光度法
GA/T 16.107-2015 道路交通管理信息代码 第107部分:伤残等级代码
WS/T 107.2-2016 尿中碘的测定 第2部分:电感耦合等离子体质谱法
CJ/T 107-1999 城市公共交通客运设施城市公共汽、电车候车亭
YB/T 107-1997 塑料模具用热轧厚钢板
HY/T 107-2008 卷式反渗透膜组件测试方法
JG/T 107-1999 转子式混凝土喷射机 基本参数
建标 107-2008 乡镇卫生院建设标准
JGJ 107-2016 钢筋机械连接技术规程
ISO 18400-107:2017 EN 0a4caac4 Soil quality — Sampling — Part 107: Recording and reporting
IEC 62271-107:2019 EN-FR 124917ba High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 107: Alternating current fused circuit-switchers for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
IEC 62271-107:2019 RLV EN 55a85281 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 107: Alternating current fused circuit-switchers for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
IEC 62271-107:2012 EN-FR 773a1010 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 107: Alternating current fused circuit-switchers for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
IEC GUIDE 107:2009 EN-FR 2d7eadeb Electromagnetic compatibility - Guide to the drafting of electromagnetic compatibility publications
IEC GUIDE 107:2014 EN-FR bd2dab32 Electromagnetic compatibility - Guide to the drafting of electromagnetic compatibility publications
IEC 60335-2-107:2012 EN-FR 2134e905 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-107: Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers
IEC 60335-2-107:2017 EN-FR ca884fc5 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-107: Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers
IEC 61076-8-107:2023 EN-FR 60fc3471 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 8-107: Power connectors - Detail specification for 2P 200 A, 1 000 V plus 2P 5 A 50 V rectangular housing shielded connectors with IP65/IP68 degree of protection when mated and locked, and IPXXB when unmated
IEC 61196-1-107:2005 EN-FR 98a77618 Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-107: Electrical test methods - Test for cable microphony charge level (mechanically induced noise)
IEC 60297-3-107:2012 EN-FR 45d74e16 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-107: Dimensions of subracks and plug-in units, small form factor
IEC 61076-2-107:2010 EN-FR 73455253 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-107: Detail specification for circular hybrid connectors M12 with electrical and fibre-optic contacts with screw locking
IEC 61076-4-107:2001 EN-FR 0a26ebdf Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 4-107: Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for shielded two-part connectors having a basic grid of 2,0 mm, fixed part with solder and press-in terminations for printed boards, free part with non-accessible insulation displacement and crimp terminations
IEC 62282-6-107:2024 EN-FR 77eb590c Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-107: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - Indirect water-reactive (Division 4.3) compounds
IEC 60335-2-107:2017/AMD2:2021 EN f8374905 Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-107: Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers
JJF(纺织)107-2023 干洗机校准规范
JJG 107-2002 单机型和集中管理分散计费型电话计时计费器
AS 1580.107.1-1992 Paints and related materials - Methods of test - Determination of wet film thickness from dry film mass
AS 4557-2001 (AG 107-2001) Domestic outdoor gas barbecues
KS C IEC 62271-107(2019 Confirm) 고전압 개폐장치 및 제어장치 — 제107부:정격 전압 1 kV 초과 52 kV 이하의 퓨즈식 교류 개폐기
AS 4557-2001 (AG 107-2001)/Amdt 1-2002 Domestic outdoor gas barbecues
HB 107-1998 Understanding Standards
AS 1359.107-1996 Rotating electrical machines - General requirements Classification of types of construction and mounting arrangements (IM Code)
AS 1580.107.1-2004 Paints and related materials - Methods of test Determination of wet film thickness from dry film mass
AS/NZS 1102.107:1997 Graphical symbols for electrotechnical documentation Switchgear, controlgear and protective devices
JIS Z 7260-107:2000e Partition coefficient (1-octanol/water) -- Shake flask method
JIS Z 7260-107:2000 Partition coefficient (1-octanol/water) -- Shake flask method
BS 2000-107:1993 Methods of test for petroleum and its products
BS EN 4708-107:2019 Aerospace series. Sleeving, heat-shrinkable, for binding, insulation and identification
BS 1016-107.2:1991 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Caking and swelling properties of coal
BS ISO 18400-107:2017 Soil quality. Sampling
KS I ISO 18400-107 토양의 질 — 시료채취 —제107부: 기록 및 보고
T/CSPSTC 107-2022 城乡生态-生产-生活空间功能识别技术规范
T/CA 107-2019 耳机及个人音乐播放器 最大声压级技术规范
T/HEBQIA 107-2022 视频网络监控系统
T/HNBX 107-2021 木薯化肥施用限量
T/JSQA 107-2021 全封闭式电动正三轮摩托车
T/NAHIEM 107-2024 医院建筑智能化系统设计规范
T/CCPIA 107-2021 植保无人飞机施药专用助剂技术规范 有机硅类
T/UNP 107-2024 建设工程施工现场安全生产管理规范
T/WD 107-2020 公共海外仓设施技术要求与运营管理规范
T/WLJC 107-2022 机床装备产品三维设计 图样绘制的通用要求
T/NDAS 107-2024 电机生产自动化建设指南
T/NXSCJS 107-2024 中国青铜器常见器型食器
T/QDAS 107-2023 城市供热气象服务规范
T/QGCML 107-2021 冷拌冷铺沥青路面技术规程
T/QLY 107-2022 贵州小吃 贵州凉粉(鸭溪风味)烹饪技术规范
DB31/ 107-2014 职业性膀胱癌的诊断
DB3304/T 107-2023 科技支行评定规范
DB3309/T 107-2024 人户分离困难群众探访关爱服务呼叫转移规范
DB3310/T 107-2023 地理标志产品 仙居鸡
DB1305/T 107-2024 饼干生产卫生规范
DB1309/T 107-2017 春大棚无公害甜瓜生产技术规程
DB1410/T 107-2020 餐饮公勺公筷使用规范
DB45/T 107-2003 月鳢池塘养殖技术规范
DB46/T 107-2007 椰子浆
DB2310/T 107-2023 朝鲜黄杨播种育苗技术规程
DB6505/T 107-2021 大白菜主要病虫害绿色防控技术规程
DB5107/T 107-2022 冬作马铃薯大棚双膜栽培技术规程
DB5115/T 107-2023 马铃薯、玉米、大豆套作栽培技术规程
DB52/T 107-2024 竹乡鸡
DB5227/T 107-2022 荔波瑶山鸡规模饲养管理技术规范